Laravel URL Helper Function secure_asset / Blog / Stillat

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The secure_asset function in Laravel returns a URI that combines the application's URI with the given path. It always ensures that the resulting URI uses the https:// protocol. It is equivalent to using the asset function with the $secure parameter set to true. However, if the supplied path contains a protocol, that protocol will be used.

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Laravel's built-in Security Features CSRF (cross-site request forgery) protection Laravel uses the Form Classes Token Method (for short, CSRF token), which is enabled by default. You can see the token and a predefined CSRF filter embedded in the source code.

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Top 5 ways to secure Laravel Let's look at some ways to secure your Laravel installs and help keep users safe. 1. Framework configuration Setting up correctly — and early — for the different stages of application development is vital to any project. With Laravel, you can set development and production configurations using the .env file.

Laravel URL Helper Function secure_asset / Blog / Stillat

The asset function generates a URL for an asset using the current scheme of the request (HTTP or HTTPS):

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For those who need to keep js/css out of public folder for whatever reasons, in modern Laravel you can use sub-views. Say your views structure is. in views-js.blade.php files wrap your js code in