Brooke Shields graduation, Princeton Brooke Shields' life in pictures Gallery

American tennis pro, Francis X. "Frank" Shields. MATINEE IDOLStylish Gents of the 20th

Francis Alexander Shields, Jr. (May 16, 1941 - April 25, 2003) was an American businessman and an executive at Revlon in New York City, best known as the father of actress Brooke Shields. Spouses. Teri Shields (m. 1964; div. 1966) Diana Lippert (m. 1970) Children4, including Brooke. Parents. Francis Xavier Shields Marina Torlonia di Civitella-Cesi

Francis X. "Frank" Shields, known today as Brooke Shields's grandfatherthough in his day, he

Francis would marry Diana "Didi" Lippert in 1970, per The New York Times. They had three daughters - Brooke's half-sisters - Marina Shields, Olympia Shields, and Christiana Shields.

Brooke Shields graduation, Princeton Brooke Shields' life in pictures Gallery

She married Francis Alexander Shields in 1964 and Brooke was born a year later. The couple divorced when their daughter was a few months old. According to the Times, Brooke Shields, now 47, has.

Francis X. Shields Inscribed Photograph Signed Autographs & Manuscripts HistoryForSale

She married Francis Alexander Shields in 1964, and Brooke was born the next year. "It was then that Teri found her career" as her daughter's manager, Brooke Shields wrote.

American tennis champion Francis X. "Frank" Shields. Tennis champion, American, Champion

Francis Alexander Shields Jr. (May 16, 1941 - April 25, 2003) was an American businessman and an executive at Revlon in New York City. He was the father of actress Brooke Shields. Early life. Shields was born in New York City. He was the.

Francis X. "Frank" Shields, known today as Brooke Shields's grandfatherthough in his day, he

Olympia Shields is a math teacher born to Francis Alexander Shields Jr., a businessman, and his second wife, Diana "Didi" Lippert. She isn't the only child of her parents, Francis and Didi.She has two sisters - Christina Shields and Marina Shields and several half-siblings from her father's and mother's side.

The stunningly handsome Francis X. "Frank" Shields, during his brief foray in Hollywood films

Francis Alexander Shields Jr. was an American businessman and an executive at Revlon in New York City. He was the father of actress Brooke Shields.

O polêmico galã Frank Shields, tenista, ator e avô de Brooke Shields Memórias Cinematográficas

In 1964, Teri wed Frank Shields Jr. (the son of top-ranking tennis player, Frank Shields Sr.). He was a businessman who worked in marketing and sales for Revlon and Estee Lauder in New York City.

Brooke Shields’ Aristocratic Father Was Not Ready for Her Birth More about Francis Alexander

As Brooke Shields later wrote of her mother, "It was then that Teri found her career." Brooke's birth was the end result of a short-lived romance between Teri and a wealthy New Yorker named Francis Alexander Shields. His family never approved of his relationship with Teri, and they had even tried to pay her to terminate her pregnancy.

Brooke Shields Sugar N Spice Full Pictures / 40 Years Later Brooke Shields Has No Regrets About

Francis Alexander Shields (father) Date of Birth: May 16, 1941. Date of Death: April 25, 2003 (aged 61) Zodiac Sign: Taurus. Frank was the gorgeous and educated father who came from an aristocratic family. So many people wonder why he married Teri in the first place as they belonged to different societal class.

Francis Alexander Shields Alchetron, the free social encyclopedia

Francis Alexander Shields, Jr. (May 16, 1941 - April 25, 2003), also known as Frank Shields, was an American businessman and an executive at Revlon in New York City, best known as the father of actress Brooke Shields.

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Shields and Henchy welcomed their first daughter, Rowan Francis, on May 15, 2003, after seven rounds of fertility treatments. Rowan grew up in New York City and has a very close relationship with.

Brooke Shields with her father Revlon Executive Frank Shields at Roxy... News Photo Getty Images

Born in New York, NY, he was the son of the late Francis Xavier Shields, the professional tennis player, and the late Princess Marina Torlonia of Rome, Italy. Mr. Shields was a graduate of Buckley School, St. Paul's School and the University of Pennsylvania, where he was the captain of the heavyweight crew team that rowed at the Henley Royal Regatta in 1962.

an old photo of a man in a white suit and tie with his hand on his hip

Shields was born in Manhattan, New York, to former model Teri Shields and executive Francis Alexander Shields Jr. on May 31, 1965. "I always knew she was beautiful," Teri Shields said in an old interview shown in the documentary.

Surely as handsome (if not moreso) than his contemporaries, Francis X. "Frank" Shields, American

Kate Shields, chief executive officer On 30 November 2021 Kate Shields was formally appointed as the inaugural designate chief executive officer for the ICB. Kate was formerly NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group's accountable officer from August 2021 to June 2022.

Francis X. "Frank" Shields, known today as Brooke Shields's grandfatherthough in his day, he

Francis Alexander Shields Jr. (May 16, 1941 - April 25, 2003) was an American businessman and an executive at Revlon in New York City. He was the father of actress Brooke Shields.